MAY 2019
Sunday, May 26 – Saturday, June 1
05/27/19: No work due to the holiday.
05/28/19: Contractor reset the frames and covers on Quality Inlet Str. QI-2 on SB-295, approximately at sta. 24+70. Contractor performed chipping and saw-cutting of rebars flushing with Wing Wall on Bridge #1017. Contractor began work for proposed approach slab and bore hole, located on back face of Backwall replacing incidental rebars during demolition process and installed perforated pipe.
05/29/19: Contractor set the frames and covers on Quality Inlet Str.QI-4 on SB-295 approximately at sta. 21+80. Contractor received and placed Class B concrete in the following locations on Bridge 1016 on NB-295. (1). Abutment A stem wall extension, backwall and beam seats reconstruction for girders Q, R, S and T) (2). Abutment B stem wall extension and beam seats reconstruction for girders Q, R, S and T (3) Pier cap extension and beam seats for girders Q, R, S and T. (4) Northeast and southeast cheek walls. Contractor started to excavate for bridge jacking foundation underneath bridge 1016 on the left lane on South Capitol St. SE.
05/30/19: Contractor set the frames and covers on Quality Inlet Str. QI-3 on SB-295, approximately at sta. 22+36. Contractor placed aggregates base material for bridge 1017 abutment B approach slab on SB 295. Contractor installed no. 57 aggregates wrapped in geotextile fabric as porous backfill behind the back wall of bridge 1017 abutment B. Contractor installed 3” perforated PVC pipe underneath proposed expansion dam on bridge 1017 abutment A. Contractor started the setting of forms for wing wall 1 and moment slab on bridge 1017 abutment A.
05/31/19: Contractor placed Class A concrete mix design number 9A02843 in bridge 1016, approach slab B, wing wall and moment slab on NB-295.
06/01/19: No work on this date.
Sunday, May 19 – Saturday, May 25
05/20/19: Contractor installed Inlet Structure QI-2 on SB-295, Sta. 24+70.
Contractor demolished existing asphalt pavement on SB-295, approximately between Sta. 22+00 and Sta. 22+25.
05/21/19: Contractor excavated around existing Structure I-1 and sawcut to create an open on the north face of structure I-1 for connect pipe from structure QI-2 on SB-295.
The electrical subcontractor Jaxon Point installed 2” and 4” PVC conduits in the Southeast cheek wall and moment slab on NB-295, Bridge 1016.
05/22/19: Contractor demolished and removed the top portion of existing str. I-1 proposed to be converted to manhole str. M-4. Contractor placed #57 aggregates bedding material and installed connect pipe between structure QI-2 and M-4 on SB-295. Contractor demolished portion of the south approach slab on bridge 1017 on SB-295.
05/23/19: Contractor placed #57 aggregates to backfill around and connect pipe between str. QI-2 and M-4. The backfill aggregates were placed in 6 inches loose lifts and compacted to 4 inches and compaction density tests performed by DDOT Material Technician, Charles Kretsi. DDOT Human Right Division representatives on site and interviewed five of the prime contractor’s employees. PEPCO representatives on site and met with the Prime contractor, Corman, Electrical Subcontractor, Jaxon Point to discuss proposed electricity feed to the bridge and street lightings.
05/24/19: Contractor set frames and covers on Quality Inlet Str. QI-2 on SB-295, approximately at sta. 24+70. 2. Inspector performed survey to verify elevations of beam seats Q, R, S, T on bridge 1016 span 2.
05/25/19: No work on this date.
Sunday, May 12 – Saturday, May 18
05/13/19: The work was cancelled due to inclement weather.
CM performed verification surveying on bridge 1017 on SB-295 over South Capitol St.
05/14/19: The contractor dug test pit to located existing gas line on the left lane on South Capitol Street, SE for proposed superstructure jacking foundation.
The contractor’s surveyor on site retaking elevations of beam seats on the abutments and pier of bridge 1017, left of the baseline.
05/15/19: The contractor continued test pit to locate existing gas line on the left lane on South Capitol Street SW for proposed jacking foundation underneath bridge 1016.
The contractor placed concrete in Bridge 1017, stem walls extension, backwall reconstruction and the beam seats on the abutment A and B backwall and beam seats on the abutments and pier.
05/16/19: The contractor dug test pit to located existing 8” gas line on the left lane on South Capitol Street, SE underneath bridge 1017 for proposed superstructure jacking foundation. The contractor surveyed elevations on the beam seats on bridge 1017 abutments and pier of bridge 1017 and for approach slabs on bridge 1016 abutment A and B and for the storm drain pipes and structures on SB-295, north of bridge 1017.
05/17/19: The contractor excavated around and sawcut the top portion of existing inlet str. I-1 on SB-295, Sta. 24+54, left of the baseline proposed to be converted to manhole structure M-4. The Contractor installed wooden platform inside existing storm inlet str. I-1 to avoid concrete debris from falling into the invert while cutting hole on the side of the structure to accommodate 15” diameter connect pipe from proposed Str. QI-3 on SB295, sta. 24+75. Pepco’s crew disconnected electrical power to bridges 1016 and 1017.
05/18/19: No work on this date.
Sunday, May 5 – Saturday, May 11
05/06/19: Contractor demolished the top portion of existing str. I-3 proposed to be converted to manhole str. M-3. Contractor excavated and placed #57 aggregates and installed connect pipe between existing storm drain structure I-3 and QI-3 on SB-295. Contractor completed the installation of reinforcing bars and forms on the northwest cheek wall on bridge 1017 on SB-295 and also started to sawcut top of bridge 1016 abutment B backwall for proposed 3” diameter perforated drainage pipe.
05/07/19: Contractor cut opened a 24” diameter hole on the south face of existing structure 295SB/I-3 to connect 15” diameter connect pipe from proposed structure 295SB/Q1-4 on SB-295. Contractor started excavation to install proposed 15” diameter RC connect pipes from existing Str.I-3 to proposed str. QI-4 on SB-295. DDOT Material’s representative performed compaction density test on GAB material on bridge 1016, abutment B approach slab.
05/08/19: Contractor excavated and placed saddle blocks and installed connect pipe from existing structure I-3 towards proposed structure QI-4 on SB-295. Contractor backfilled around structure QI-3 using #57 aggregates.
05/09/19: Contractor excavated and placed 8 inches depth of No. 57 aggregates and set the base unit of storm drain structure QI-4 on SB-295, sta. 21+80. Contractor excavated and placed saddle blocks and installed connect pipe to complete the pipe run between structure Ex. I-3 and structure QI-4 on SB-295. Contractor placed Class B concrete of cradle underneath the connect pipe run between str. Ex. I-3
and str. QI-4 on SB-295.
05/10/19: Contractor set the top units of structures QI-3 and QI-4 on SB-295 sta. 22+36 and 21+80. Contractor started to backfill the connect RC pipe run between Str. QI-3 and Str. QI-4 on SB-295.
05/11/19: No work on this date.