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Sunday, August 25 – Saturday, August 31

08/26/19: Contractor backfilled over 18” diameter RCP installed from manhole str. M-2 to M-3 and hauled out spoils from the job site. Started to excavate for the installation of 15” diameter RCP run from manhole str. M-2 to M-1 on SB-295, right of the baseline, South of Bridge 1017. Installed rebars and forms on NB-295, Bridge 1016 cheek wall. Completed the installation of rebars and forms on SB-295, bridge 1017, Abutment B, stemwall, beam seats (G through J), backwall and southeast cheek wall reconstruction, right of the baseline. Placed 10.0 cubic yards of Class B at SB-295, bridge 1017, Abutment B. 

08/27/19: Contractor excavated to plan subgrade, scarified and compacted in place soil material on SB-295, bridge 1017, Abutment A and B approach slab. Excavated to plan depth and installed 16 LF (2- 8 ft joint) of 15” diameter RCP from manhole Str. M-2 toward manhole Str. M-1 on SB-295 approximately between Sta 22+00 and 21+84, right of the baseline. Placed No. 57 aggregates bedding material and backfilled. Installed rebars and forms on NB-295, bridge 1016 Abutment B, stemwall, beam seats, backwall and cheek wall reconstruction. Completed the installation of rebars and forms on NB-295, bridge 1016, Abutment B, stemwall, beam seats (K through N), backwall and southwest cheek wall reconstruction. Placed 8.0 cubic yards of Class B, at NB-295, bridge 1016, Abutment B, stemwall, beam seats (K through N), backwall and southwest cheek wall reconstruction. Installed 2” PVC and metal electrical conduits on the northwest cheekwall on NB-295, bridge 1016 as per the plans. 

08/28/19: Contractor excavated to plan depth, scarified and recompacted on site soil at subgrade elevation on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment A approach slab. Excavated to plan depth and installed 48 LF (6- 8 ft joint) of 15” diameter RCP continuing the pipe run from manhole Str. M-2 toward manhole Str. M-1 on SB-295 approximately between sta. 21+84 and 21+36, right of the baseline. Placed No. 57 aggregates bedding material and backfilled to approximately 1 foot above the pipe with no. 57 aggregates and then backfilled with on-site soil to subgrade. Completed the installation of rebars and forms on NB-295, Bridge 1016, Abutment A, stemwall, beam seats (K through N), backwall and northwest cheek wall reconstruction. Placed 6.5 cubic yards of Class B at NB-295, Bridge 1016, Abutment A, stemwall, beam seats (K through N), backwall and northwest cheek wall reconstruction. Drilled and grouted in rebars on Bridge 1016, Abutments A and B backwall for approach slab extension. 

08/29/19: Contractor completed excavating to plan elevation, scarified and compacted the soil at subgrade for proposed approach slab on NB-295, bridge 1016, abutment B, left of the baseline. Placed 12 inches depth of GAB material in two consecutive 6 inches compacted lifts for the approach slab. Completed the placing of 12 inches depth of GAB material for proposed approach slab on SB-295, Bridge 1017 abutment A, right of the baseline. Started to excavate to plan subgrade elevation for proposed approach slab on NB-295, Bridge 1016, abutment A. Placed No. 57 aggregates wrapped in geotextile fabric for porous backfill on SB-295, Bridge 1017 Abutment B, right of the baseline. 

08/30/19: Contractor completed excavating to subgrades elevation for proposed approach slab on NB-295, bridge 1016 abutment A, left of the baseline. The soil was scarified and compacted. The crew placed 12 inches depth of GAB material in two consecutive 6 inches compacted lifts. Placed forms for proposed approach slabs on NB-295, Bridge 1016 Abutment B, left of the baseline and also on SB-295, Bridge 1017 Abutment B, right of the baseline. Installed reinforcing steel on NB-295, Bridges 1016 and SB-295, bridge 1017, abutments B approach slabs, left and right of the baselines respectively. Rebars sizes and spacings were observed to be as per the plans. 

08/31/19: No work.

Sunday, August 18 – Saturday, August 24

08/19/19: Contractor completed the installation of rebars and started the installation of forms on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment A stem-wall and beam seats G through J. Contractor removed rebars from demolished approach slab concrete rubbles on NB-295, Bridge 1016, Abutment B. Contractor drilled holes and started the installation of rebars on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment B, stem-wall and beam seats G through J. installed 3” diameter PVC perforated pipe on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment A backwall.

08/20/19: Contractor started the installation of forms on the stem-wall and beam seats G to J on SB-295 Bridge 1017, Abutment A. Contractor resumed the demolition of Bridge 1017 Abutment A approach slab on SB-295, right of baseline and hauled out demolished concrete rubbles. Contractor drilled holes and started the installation of rebars on the stem-wall and beam seats K to N on NB-295, Bridge 1016, Abutment B, left of the baseline. Sawcut to install 3” diameter PVC perforated pipes existing backwall on bridge 1017 abutment B. Completed the installation of rebars and forms on NB-295, Bridge 1016 pier cap and beam seats K through N, left of the baseline and SB-295, Bridge 1017 pier cap and beam seats G through J, right of the baseline. Placed 12.0 cubic yards of Class B, 4,500 PSI concrete for the beam seats. The concrete was covered with wet burlap and polyethylene sheet for curing. 

08/21/19: Contractor continued the installation of forms on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment A Stem Wall and beam seats (G to J). Installed forms on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment B, stem-wall and beam seats (G through J). Demolished existing approach slab on NB-295, Bridge 1016 abutment B. Started the installation of rebars on NB-295, Bridge 1016 abutment B, stem-wall and beam seats. Started the installation of rebars and forms on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Northeast cheek wall. Drilled holes on NB-295 Bridge 1016, Abutment B back-wall to install rebar for proposed approach slab extension. 

08/22/19: Contractor completed the installation of forms on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment A, and B stem-wall and beam seats (G through J). Continued the installation of rebars on NB-295, Bridge 1016 abutment B, stem-wall and beam seats (K through N). Contractor installed rebars and forms on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Northeast and Southeast cheek walls. Contractor completed the backfilling of 18” diameter RCP between manhole str. M-2 and M-3 on SB-295, left lane, South of Bridge 1017 with GAB material. The crew temporarily placed and compacted 10” lift of base asphalt BM-25.0 over the GAB backfill for maintenance of traffic. Installed 2” PVC and metal electrical conduits on the northeast cheek wall on SB-295, Bridge 1017 as per the plans. 

08/23/19: Contractor hauled out soil excavated from 18” RCP installation overnight between str. M-2 and M-3 off site. Completed the demolition of existing Bridge 1016 southwest cheek wall. The crew drilled holes, installed rebar and started the forming of proposed southwest cheek wall on NB-295, Bridge 1016. Completed the forming of the southeast cheek wall on Bridge 1017. Completed the installation of rebars and forms on SB-295, Bridge 1017, Abutment A, Stem Wall, beam seats (G through J), backwall and northeast cheek wall reconstruction, right of the baseline. Placed 13.5 cubic yards of Class B, 4,500 PSI concrete, mix design number 9B02303 in the above locations. The concrete was tested for slump, air content, unit weight and temperature. The results were found to be within the required specifications. A set of six concrete sample cylinders (Nos. 24, 24A, 24B, 24C, 24D and 24E) were cast for compressive strength testing. The concrete was covered with wet burlap and polyethylene sheet for curing. installed 2” PVC and metal electrical conduits on the southeast cheek wall on SB-295, bridge 1017 as per the plans.


08/24/19: No work.

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